Can a Company thrive without a formal HR Department?

The answer to the question in title of the post is increasingly becoming yes. A company can thrive without a formal HR Department.

As per data from Glassdoor, the average salary of an HR Manager in Madrid, Spain is approximately 50000 Euros per year. And if we have multiple people in HR department responsible, for recruiting, payroll, polices, the cost to a company goes on.

But as we are progressing, we are having access to resources not possible before. What if a company could save considerably on the cost spent on HR. The percentage might be interesting to the Finance department of the company.

But it is possible with tools like Bambee. Please check out the video below:

With Bambee, you can get:

  • A Dedicated HR Manager
  •  A Comprehensive HR Audit
  •  HR Compliant Policies
  •  Employee On boarding
  •  Expert HR Guidance 
  • Safe Terminations 
  • Performance Management 
  • Powerful Software Platform 
  • & More!

Do you really need an HR Department? Think again!
